January 09, 2015


I now drink whisky and this is Nikka Whisky From The Barrel (NWFTB).

It all started with Jack Daniels many moons ago, I began to substitute beers for JD and coke every time I was out with friends. It slowly moved onto Makers Mark both mixed and on the rocks then for a period of time I was all about scotch and cokes but I still wasn't a massive whisky fan. I mean sure, I liked drinking it but I was not trained in the dark arts of whisky (yes, that's a Star Wars pun), I just liked drinking something instead of beer as I usually get really bloated. It was when I got introduced to an Old Fashioned that things changed. I was hooked and would order one at every bar I went to and it became my way of determining how good a bar/bartender was depending on how nice their Old Fashioned tasted.

I then started talking whisky with mates that had much more experience than myself and I started to learn. Once I had a basic understanding I went all out, drinking as much whisky as I could and for some reason I find myself enjoying Japanese whisky the most. While in Japan all I drank were either Whisky Highballs or just whisky on the rocks, from mini Yamazaki bottles from the konbini (convenience store) or a Hibiki tasting set at Zoetrope, the award winning whisky bar in Shinjuku, Japan.

A friend even hinted at the idea that I start a whisky blog but I have troubles keeping this blog filled with content so after one and half glasses of NWFTB I whipped out my camera and this is what I ended up with. So I guess when I start drinking and feeling creative I'll throw it up here with a story to share with you all.

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